Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Idea Room Photo-a-Day Challenge, September 2013, Days 9 and 10

Day 9 - A Sport (September 9th)

Olivia wanted to play soccer again this year.  She was very upset when I had to explain to her that Mommy had missed the deadline for sign ups!  I feel awful.  However, with me having to travel so far from our normal routine just to pick Amelia up from school, I think it's best that for now...we don't have anything throwing a wrench into our schedules.  So, in honor of my little Olivia...here is a soccer picture from Kindergarten! 

Assumption Soccer League
Day 10 - Starts with "B" (September 10th)

Birthday!  Yep!  My oldest turned 13 today!  I can hardly believe that I have a teenager!  This is HUGE!  In honor of my first born...

September 2000

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